Thursday, November 27, 2014


The boat is here and so am I and it is only the 27th (Three days early). Today is the first major holiday of the 2014 season, and I spent it alone in Key Largo. Although the temps have been in the 80's I have A/C  on in boat and I am nice and cozy. I had always thought that Turkey was the major food of this day. Today I found out differently. There is no one food that makes this holiday, it is whatever you like, and as much of it as you like. So...I ate and ate and Ate seafood giving thanks for having a great family, and all.... Happy Thanksgiving to all !!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lets GO !!!

Well.....the boat and I arrived in one piece.

Sunday - The 23rd of November already... I took off for Key Largo by plane today. I landed in FLL checked into a hotel and here I sit, waiting for daylight in the morning to make the last 100 miles, by car.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Roy Romer - RIP

The good Lord called our friend and neighbor Roy Romer, and I was called to handle all funeral arrangements.. Roy was the type you could not HELP TO like.....he was a Silverton Owner also, and a good friend to all who had known him. Dolly Romer, who is Roy's wife called Dottie on her cell phone and we both responded. We were already on land, so figured Why Not? Do the funeral as if we were home. and do it, we did....we were home within two days. (11/18/14) We left the RV at Paradise Cove Marina and Camp Ground and took Dottie's car home. The guy who covers me while I am away is John we knew Roy was in good hands. John did all the work and I paid him, and will be leaving for Key Largo on Sunday the 23rd....Meanwhile Capt. John took a day off with a migraine after being hit by lightening and almost losing a prop due to the incompetent work done at Sail Craft Marina in Oriental, NC, however I will say this, he updated us day by day as to his whereabouts and what has been going on with the boat. I paid him today for 10days and told him to run at whatever he thought was fair and reasonable.....he did not charge me for the day he took off, and rested. Well...maybe I should not have paid him, as he cashed the check a few days early and that's when the shit hit the fan. First the prop problem, then the lightening hitting the boat and almost him. Captain John  does not have "People Skills" and he is the first to admit to it. But he is a nice guy and knows what he is doing.

Row, Row Row your Boat

Gently down the waterways we go The Captain and I left on November 09th for the Keys. Today is November 16th,and we should be in Key Largo no later than 11/27. we shall see. The captain and I don't see eye to eye, on a lot of different things and one thing nice about being an owner, you can get off wherever you wish. however, I will do it his way for a while. The first night we anchored out in some strip of water between Oriental and Myrtle Beach....the second night and third night we pulled into marinas. The fourth night was spent in a marina also and dinner was in  a restaurant called Marker 39....a real nice place. Fifth night in a marina and we are no where near there yet. I had some seafood and he ate his usual fare of a steak and potatoes. By the fifth day, he spent the night alone onboard at Brunswick Ga and I got off the boat, because it was boring. I called Dottie and she met us at Brunswick Landing Marina, along with our friends  Craig and Mary Farnsworth. And I mean that I was going crazy with boredom....ICW is nice, but after a while there is only so much to see different and then it is the same....almost like our first trip on the Erie Canal.

Weekends in Sept, and Oct . Where do they go??

We are having a great time with the new RV, apparently Dottie rather be out Rv'ing than boating. So RV'ing has been take our time away
But Thank God the boating sting has lasted with me...I enjoy boating and always will.

Here it is November 17th and I need to go boating...So we are leaving for the boat next weekend and should have it down to the Florida Keys noi later than December 1st.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Where does time go, when you are having fun?

Who knows and who cares!! When looking back at this summer, I can't believe it....Aug, September and October and most of November gone...

But there are two weeks left in November and we will spend them going from Clyde to North Carolina to Key Largo with the RV and boat