Monday, December 8, 2014

Second week here

Today is the 6th of December and marks my second weekend in the Paradise(s) of Paradise. I return back to Clyde today..holidays are coming up, you I locked the boat, shut all seacocks and water off , just about all electricty, (have to leave the battery charger on in case of an emergency) and to the airport I go!  It is earlier than I expected, so off I drive to the rental car return first and then take the shuttle to US Air. Damm cars....more of a problem than their kidding

A Happy and Healthy Christmas and a Prosperous  New Year to all!!

I will be back down and finish posting somtime after the 9th of January 2015!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Happy Birthday to my sister

December 4TH- My Sister Angela's Birthday.....She turns 6? This year. I called, but she was out, oh well....but I do know she follows this,         Happy Birthday Angela, I hope all is well!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

My first week in Key Largo has been one week since my arrival. I have done nothing but clean. It has been Sunny and in th 80's each day with night temps dropping down to the 60's. No rain so far and it is getting dry.