On Tuesday, I visited the shop of Bruce Malboeuf, the craftsman that is constructing our flybridge seating group. They are almost all done. All that is needed is a few coats of paint and some stain, and they will be delivered to the boat and installed.
They look great, even without the paint. You can tell Bruce pays particular attention to detail.....and I guess, that is the art of master craftsmanship.

On Wednesday, the foam we ordered for new mattresses in the guest stateroom came in, and Dottie has choosen the fabric for the coverings. Mike and Antoinette Nicoletta are working on them now, and they should be ready by next weekend.
Thursday, our fiberglass guy came out to take a look at repaining a few cracks we have in the flybridge decking. Good news for us, it will only cost around $300.00.....ten times less than the estimate I had received back in October for the same job. Hopefully he will have this done no later than April 15th.
On Friday, our canvas guy, Mike Overbaugh of the Geordie Magee Canvas Company arrived at the marina to measure, cut and install the new aft curtains for the flybridge enclosure. When he arrived, I explained the new benches that Bruce had done, and Mike caught a major problem in the way I was going to lay them out. Apparently, once the radar mast was raised, the new benches had to be reversed. I had originally planned to have the "L" shaped seating on the port side, but that would not work for the way the canvas would have to be installed. However, if we put the "L" on the starboard side, there would not be a problem.

A quick phone call to Bruce to make the changes, and after a bit of thought, he figured out what needed to be done and by 5 PM today, he was finished making the changes.
Mike finished the canvas work today, and even threw together a new dashboard cover and a free bottle of Imar's Strataglass cleaner to keep the clear vinyl looking good. Mike does excellent design and construction work when it comes to marine canvas.
While the canvas work was being done, Wayne Robinson, marine surveyor, was at the Lucky Find II doing a pre-purchase survey for the new owners. His only negative findings were that the starboard running light bulb, and the stern light bulb were burnt out. 

They have to be replaced.....other than that the Lucky Find II was in great shape.
No need to say, the new ower was happy to hear that the problems were minimal, and I was glad that those were the only faults that a surveyor could find.
No need to say, the new ower was happy to hear that the problems were minimal, and I was glad that those were the only faults that a surveyor could find.
Tomorrow, Saturday, we have an electrician coming aboard to look at what is needed to install 3 or 4 more 120v outlets. There are 10 outlets already on the boat, but they are either in inconvenient loctions or not in the right location for our needs.....so, this should be the start of a new project for next week.
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