Well, we did it....we made it to Poughkeepsie!!!!
We left Kingston this morning at 11AM and arrived in Poughkeepsie at 01:15PM......a bit over two hours, two huge rain storms and the wind at 25 MPH on our nose all the way, however it was a great trip.
Shadows Marina with the M/V Lucky Find III in the foreground |
Shadows Marina has got to be the nicest place we have stopped so far.....all that is missing is a swimming pool. This marina has it all, a beautiful restaurant with dockside service till 2AM, indoor and outdoor dining, indoor and outdoor bars, Free WiFi, great bathhouses. When you come into the marina, you are greeted by their consirege (Captain Keith Gee and Miltie, the restaurant manager ) and two other dockhands that take your lines, and tie you up where they want you. Everything here is brand new including all docks, electrical and water service utilties. Reservations here are tough to get because they are at 100% capacity with a two year waiting period.....but I made mine back in January, and sure enough, they had me etched in.....It is definitely a
world-class marina.
New docks and cleats. All cleats are on tracks that allow them to be moved to wherever you need them
Connected to Shadows Restaurantm is the Grand View Ballroom, which bills itself as "Elegant Banquets"....they do 2 weddings each weenekend day, 2 on Friday evenings, 2 Saturdays and 2 on Sundays....However, they are booked solid for the next 4 years.
Anway, dinner tonight was aboard the boat with a chicken ceasar salad and corn on the cob. Dottie also made a fresh tomato salsa and peaches ala mode was the desert of the evening.......excellent!!!
The NYSFDA Convention begins tomorrow.....this coming weeks blogs will be about the convention and our future plans. As of right now, we have no plan in place, however we would like to continue southward to NYC and Da Bronx. We'll let you know first.......and on here!
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