Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 44 - Pictures of Whittaker Pointe Marina and Oriental NC - 11/09/2013

Well...I said I would post something everyday and am doing the best I can.

Lunch was at the Oriental Marina and INN in their Toucan Grill Restaurant, and of couse, I had to have my daily dose of shellfish, which included shrimp, scallops and clams...then we went to Fulchers for some seafood (Fresh caught flounder) to make aboard for dinner and just did some local sightseeing. I have and will always like Oriental, NC.

More pictures as the day wears on......Hang in there!

The Whittaker Pointe Clubhouse

A 50' Hunter monohull sailboat

Keith came all the way from Australia....I never did ask why he named his boat Jack's Back.
a c

The brand new docks at Whittaker Pointe

This is a Fountain Perjot Catamaran....46 feet long and almost 29' feet wide.

Man, what far odd place to be from, this reired couple took 9 months to get here, but they made it all the way from the continent of Australia.
They are memebers of the Royal Port Yacht Club in Newport, Australia

And they have a large amount of rigging and a 70' mast... because 70' is the norm in Australia

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