Friday, June 11, 2010

Canal Trip

Well, after a month of just sitting at the dock we decided we had to make a change. We need to move, to travel a bit and see what other areas have to offer.
We knew from last season that we were going to have to get our fuel polished and the closest marina to us that does that type of work is located in Brewerton, NY on the Erie Canal.

We left our dock at 9AM today and arrived in Brewerton at 6PM. The weather was great with bright sunny skies, temps in the high 70's and winds less than 3 knots.
The trip to Brewerton started out on Sodus Bay to Lake Ontario, then we head east for 30 miles to the Oswego river and Oswego canal. The canal has 7 locks as you proceed south for about another 30 miles, to the Three Rivers Junction. All lock-throughs went well and the boat ran like a charm.
I attribute that to the fact that the waters were so calm that it did not stir up the gunk from the bottoms of the tank.
At Three Rivers Junction we headed east again for 6 miles and passage through one lock to the Ess-Kay Yards marina.

All in all, we covered about 70 miles in 9 hours and burned about 15 gallons of fuel. Not bad for twin engine diesels.

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